• cw. nsfw, abuse, grooming, drug use, violence, gang activity, weapons, underage sex, major character death

  • disclaimer. aiko is a fictional character and does not represent her creator. her opinions and actions are strictly fictional and her creator does not endorse any of her criminal activities.


  • name. sano aiko

  • gender. woman

  • pronouns. she/her

  • birthdate. 4/17/83

  • sexuality. bisexual


  • sex. female

  • height. 5'5

  • eyes. green

  • hair. black

  • weight. 140 lb


  • birthplace. ???

  • home. tokyo, japan

  • nationality. japanese

  • zodiac. aries

  • voice. allegra clark

  • body notes. aiko is short but strong. she is toned and muscular. she does not shave her body hair. because of this, she has noticeable armpit hair, a happy trail, and a full bush. she has a beauty mark on her left breast and on her vulva. (placement of these beauty marks is not strict.)

  • face notes. aiko has thick, dark eyebrows. she has a beauty mark under her right eye. her right eyebrow has a slit in it angling away from the center of her face. the area around her eyes is darker and she often has bags under her eyes. she does not wear makeup, the discoloration around her eyes is natural and a result of her lack of sleep.

  • body modifications. aiko has multiple piercings and tattoos. she has two black ring helix piercings in each ear. her nipples are pierced with black ball piercings. her clitoris is pierced with a vertical black ball piercing. her tongue is pierced with a black ball piercing. she has an intricate dragon tattoo wrapping around her right arm, with the head on her shoulder/chest. she has a tattoo of a snake wrapped around a rabbit on her sternum. she has a decorate womb tattoo below her navel.

  • likes. motorcycles, cigarettes, alcohol, spicy food, staying up late, bar hopping, the outdoors, lounging around, working in the shop, sex (and lots of it), pickpocketing and other theft, illicit drugs, making boys nervous, baking (secret hobby of hers)

  • dislikes. rules and obligations she did not assign herself, sobriety, waking up early, any form of responsibility, school and work, being talked down to (especially by men), the consequences of her actions, babies, police, very sweet food

  • first impression. aiko is rough around the edges. she is almost always holding a cigarette. she wears plain clothes, often a dirtied tank top and sweatpants. she smells like sweat, motor oil, and cigarette smoke. if she is working, there is likely motor oil, grease, or dirt on her clothing and skin. she is loud when she talks and louder when she laughs. her voice is slightly raspy from smoking, and slightly deeper than expected of a woman. she gets straight to the point when she speaks, and she curses loudly, unapologetically, and incredibly often.

  • reputation. aiko is a mix of a cool older sister figure and the hot babysitter trope to the founders. the boys think she's badass and look up to her as they do with her boyfriend shinichiro. they also really want to fuck her. aiko is aware of this and finds it amusing. she uses the founders' attraction to her to her advantage, employing them like little errand boys to do tasks for her. although she addresses them as "boys" or "kid," she treats them as equals in maturity, even though they are barely into their teen years and she's an adult.

  • deeper dive. after moving in with her boyfriend shinichiro in her early teens, she assumed the role of older sister to young mikey and emma. having run away from her family years prior, the sanos became her new family, and if you ask her for her surname, she will tell you she is a sano. she loves her new family and is fiercely protective of them, especially her little sister emma.

  • pre-black dragons. aiko is a high school dropout and unaligned delinquent. she can't hold a job and doesn't really care to try. she is rarely home and eventually becomes a runaway, living off of theft. she bar hops and gets meals and drugs out of men. occasionally, she takes on jobs from gangs (theft, fighting, gathering information, etc) but she does not align herself with any gang.

  • black dragons era. her reputation as a thief caught up to her as she stole quite a bit of cash and property from multiple black dragons gang members. when she gets caught by wakasa and takeomi, she is brought before shinichiro and agrees to join black dragons to pay back her accumulated debt. shinichiro takes a liking to her and for once, the feeling is mutual. the two begin dating and he lets her move in with him so she isn't homeless. he teaches her what he knows about motorcycles and employs her as a mechanic assistant at his bike shop so she isn't unemployed.

  • 2001-2002. after the disbandment of the black dragons gang, shinichiro and aiko continue dating and working in shinichiro's bike shop together. aiko begins to prey on shinichiro's little brother mikey and his friends, who soon go on to found toman (the tokyo manji gang). she acts inappropriately around the founders and uses their attraction to her to her advantage. she develops a sexual relationship with mikey, unbeknownst to shinichiro, and with keisuke baji, unbeknownst to shinichiro and mikey.

  • 2003. shinichiro is killed in an incidient involving keisuke baji and kazutora hanemiya, two founders of toman. aiko cuts contact with both of them and declares them her enemies. in the wake of shinichiro's death, aiko and mikey lean into each other for support, in part because they view each other as an extension of shinichiro. the grief strengthens their bond and their relationship becomes romantic and co-dependent.

  • 2005. aiko and mikey are officially dating and have been in a relationship for over a year. despite the complicated feelings and problematic context of their relationship, the two feel genuine love for each other and are nearly inseparable. aiko is fiercely protective of mikey, determined to never lose a loved one again. she is the unofficial second-in-command of toman, preferring to avoid the gang member label despite influencing the gang heavily through her relationship with mikey. after a little over a year of distancing herself from baji, she resumes contact with him and they have a violent affair for almost a year before baji is killed in the battle of bloody halloween. aiko realizes her feelings for baji far too late and the grief of his passing crushes her. she becomes dangerously protective of mikey and is not afraid to maim or kill anyone who crosses him.